2016-6-20 16:00-19:00
2016-6-21 16:00-19:00
2016-6-22 16:00-19:00
美术史对视觉对象的分析长期以来围绕“图像”(image) 和“形式”(form) 这两个核心概念展开,但“空间”(space) 及与之有关的概念(如liminal space阈界, feminine space 女性空间,political space 政治空间,positional significance位置意义、layering层累,front-and-back composition正反构图, 等等)不断出现在我的美术史写作中,开始形成观察、描述和解释美术作品中的一个框架。但至今我还没有在方法论的层面上,对“空间”在美术史操作中的应用进行整体的反思和总结。
For a long time, analysis in art history has revolved around two central concepts, namely, “image” and “form”. But the term “space” and concepts related to space (including “liminal space”, “feminine space”, “political space”, “positional significance”, “layering”, “front-and-back composition”, etc.) have frequently appeared in my art historical writings and begun to form a framework that I use for observing, describing and interpreting works of art. Before now, however, I have not reflected upon the use of space in art historical practices in a comprehensive, methodological sense.
This realization raises the following questions: What ground or logic can be found in the development of the study of art history for a research methodology centered around “space”? Can this new methodology help break open and then reconfigure conventional links between object, subject and context? Can the pursuit of these questions lead to a new set of research and analytic methods, which would reach beyond the conventional divide between image, architecture and culture, and also incorporate the study of objects, context, and subject into an integrated process of analysis?
Although space differs from image and object, it is always concrete and never abstract in art and architecture. This series of three lectures will conduct a preliminary survey of “spatial analysis” as a research methodology in the study of art history through a summary of and a reflection on my past case studies in Chinese art history.
巫鸿的第一本专著《武梁祠:中国古代画像艺术的思想性》(1989)获全美亚洲学年会最佳著作奖。权威性的《Art Forum》杂志将其随后的《中国古代艺术和建筑中的纪念碑性》(1995)评为“1990年代世界最佳美术史著作”之一。《重屏:中国绘画的媒介和表现》(1996)获全美最佳美术史著作提名。其它专著包括《再造北京:天安门广场和一个政治空间的创造》(2005,未翻译),《黄泉下的美术:宏观中国古代墓葬》(2010),《废墟的故事:中国美术和视觉文化中的“在场”与“缺席”》(2012),《当代中国美术:一个历史叙事》(2014,未翻译)等。其它著作、论文集和主编的书籍达几十种。
自1984年起巫鸿策划了几十个有关中国当代艺术的展览,其中比较大型的包括《瞬间:二十世纪末的中国当代艺术》(1998,芝加哥),《取缔:在中国展览实验艺术》(2000,芝加哥),《首届广州三年展》(2002),《过去和未来之间:中国新影像展》(2004,纽约), 《“美”的协商》(2005,柏林),《第6届光州双年展》首部(2006),《亚洲再想象》(2008 ,柏林),《三峡大坝与中国当代艺术》(2008, 芝加哥),《天人之际I-II》(2014-15,上海)等。
Wu Hung
Wu Hung, a permanent member of the American Academy of Art and Science, is a famous art historian, critic, and curator. Currently he holds the Harrie A. Vanderstappen Distinguished Service Professorship at the Department of Art History and the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago, and is also the director of the Center for the Art of East Asia and the Consulting Curator at the Smart Museum at the same university. He sits on many international committees including Guggenheim Museum’s Asian Art Council, and chairs the Academic Committees of OCT Contemporary Art Terminal and Yuz Museum. Wu Hung’s research interests include both traditional and contemporary art. Regarding contemporary art, he has curated many exhibitions since the 1980s, including individual artists’ one-person shows, thematic group exhibitions, and biennales and triennials. In addition to the catalogues that he compiled for these exhibitions, he has published many influential books and anthologies, including Making History: Wu Hung on Contemporary Art (2008), Wu Hung on Contemporary Chinese Artists (2009), Contemporary Chinese Art: Primary Documents (2010), and Contemporary Chinese Art: A History (2014).
广州美术学院副教授,美术史系系主任。2005年毕业于广州美术学院,获硕士学位并留校任教;2010年毕业于南京师范大学,获博士学位;2013年9月至2014年9月赴芝加哥大学东亚艺术研究中心访学。2005年开始负责《中国艺术史学史》、《中国古代画论》等多门课程的讲授,并发表多篇相关学术论文。主要研究成果有专著《停云模楷:关于文徵明与十六世纪吴门风格规范的一种假设》和译著《自我的界限:1600—1900年的中国肖像画》(Boundaries of the Self: Chinese Portraits, 1600—1900)。目前正在进行的主要研究有《科罗曼多屏风上的地图与景观》、《何香凝与20世纪上半叶的猛兽图像》的写作以及《时间的形状:论物的历史》(The Shape of Time: Remarks on the History of Things )的翻译。
废墟(ruins)是另一个西方艺术史与文化... 更多/more
中国的现代学科断断续续地经历了近一个世纪的建设过程,到了20世纪80年代开始汇入国际学术的反思大潮,而到了90年代则纷纷进入“重写”的阶段,其中尤以“思想史”、“文学史”为典型。当西方艺术史学科以学术史的方式整理自己的工具箱时,中国艺术史学科也进入了积极的反思阶段。在各种新方法、新观念的刺激下,这种反思往往体现为强大的破坏力,使得中国艺术史上很多刚刚成熟的观点重新得到质疑。因此,在过去的近三十年里,通史写作告一段落,个案研究蓬勃发展,学科建筑上的每一块砖头都被拆卸下来重新进行检验,而当我们重新感慨“安得广厦千万间”时,却发现一时间找不到大家都能接受的施工图纸。在这种情况下,即便那些看起来貌似通史... 更多/more